Experimental septic shock : a study on splanchinic oxygen delivery and consumption, tissue oxygenation, some aspects of hepatic glucoregulatory enzyme, and cytochrome P450 activities : [doctoral thesis]
Inhalt Karte:ACTA UNTVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS : COMPREHENSIVE SUMMA- RIES OF UPPSALA DISSERTATIONS FROM THE FACULTY OF ME- DICINE ; 374 605,944 RASMUSSEN IB Experimental septic shock : a study on splanchinic oxygen delivery and consumption, tissue oxygenation, some aspects of hepatic glucoregulatory enzyme, and cytochrome P450 activities : [doctoral thesis] / by lb Rasmussen ; - [Uppsala University]. - Uppsala : Academiae Ubsaliensis, 1992. - 46 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine, ISSN 0282-7476 ; 374) ISBN 91-554-2990-4