The gene locus of Salla disease : [thesis]
Inhalt Karte:163. ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS. SER. D : MEDI- CA-ODONTOLOGICA 552,281 HAATAJA LEENA The gene locus of Salla disease : [thesis] / by Leena Haataja ; [from the Department of Medical Genetics University of Turku]. - Turku : Turun Yliopisto, 1994. - 59, [28] s. pag. varia : il., wykr. 25 cm (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. D : Medica-Odontologica, ISSN 0355-9483 ; 163) Zawiera 4 prace wspóiaut. ISBN 951-29-0348-2