Connective tissue of the normal and fibrotic human liver : present state of biochemistry, clinical evaluation and treatment : International Symposium at the Medizinische Universitätsklinik Munster West Germany 1980
Inhalt Karte:549,221 CONNECTIVE Connective tissue of the normal and fibrotic human liver : present state of biochemistry, clinical evaluation and treatment : International Symposium at the Medizinische Universitätsklinik Munster West Germany 1980 / ed. by U. Gerlach, [et al.] ; with a synoptic review by H. Popper. - Stuttgart ; New York. Georg Thieme Verl. ; New York : Thieme-Stratton Inc., 1982. - XI, 268 s. : il., wykr. ; 23 cm ISBN 3-13-628401-1 (Stuttgart) ISBN 0-86577-056-3 (New York)