New drugs in oncology : Symposium of the Phase II Study of the Association for Medical Oncology of the German Cancer Society "Neue Substanzen in der Onkologie", Frankfurt/Main, November 17th and 18th, 1988
Inhalt Karte:FIEBIG H.H. [red.] 547,457 New drugs in oncology : Symposium of the Phase II Study of the Association for Medical Oncology of the German Cancer Society "Neue Substanzen in der Onkologie", Frankfurt/Main, November 17th and 18th, 1988 / vol. ed. W. Queisser, H.H. Fiebig. - Basel [etc.] : Karger, 1989. - VIII, [2], 302 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm (Contributions to Oncology ; vol. 37) Tyt. serii również w jąz. niem. ISBN 3-8055-5047-2