The higher nervous activity.Collected papers. Prague 1972 Státní Pedagogické Nakladatelství 8° ; Reports from the theoretical disciplines of medicine.Collection of papers dedicated to Prof.MUDr.Jan Hrbek on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday
Inhalt Karte:HRBEK JAROMÍR /red./ 506,194 HIGHER The higher nervous activity.Collected papers. Prague 1972 Státní Pedagogické Nakladatelství 8° Acta Unlversitatls Palacklanae Olomucensis Paeultatls Medicae, 64. /Tyt. równiez w Jez.: ros., czes., niem., oraz tekst czesc./ /Vol./ 11. Reports from the theoretical disciplines of medicine.Collection of papers dedicated to Prof.MUDr.Jan Hrbek on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday« Ed. Jaromír Hrbek s. 366, nlb.1, tabl. 25, 1 lustr.