Quality of care in the Nev; Mexico medicaid program (1971-1975). The effect of the New Mexico experimental medical care.Review organization on the use of antibiotics for common infectious diseases.
Inhalt Karte:KAMBERG CAREN J. /wspolaut./ 196,794 LOHR KATHLEEN N. , BROOK ROBERT H., KAUFMAN MICHAEL A. Quality of care in the Nev; Mexico medicaid program (1971—1975). The effect of the New Mexico experimental medical care.Review organization on the use of antibiotics for common infectious diseases. With the assistance of Bryant Mori, Caren J. Kamberg and Larry Miller. Philadelphia 1980 Publ. by J. B. Lippin— cot Co. 4° s. VI, 129, il. Medical Care, suppl. o vol. 18, nr 1.