Mass spectral and GC Gas chromatographic data of drugs, poisons, pesticides, pollutants and their metabolites
Inhalt Karte:MAURER HANS H. 803,347 PFLEGER KARL, MAURER HAMS H. , WEBER ARMIN Mass spectral and GC [Gas chromatographic] data of drugs, poisons, pesticides, pollutants and their metabolites /Karl Pfleger, Hans H. Mauer, Armin Weber. -2 rev. and enl. ed. - Weinheim [etc.] : VCH, [1992]. - 3 p. , 30 cm P. 1 i Methods, tables, indexes. - HV, 1266 s. P. 2 : Mass spectra (m/z 4 to 22h amu). - VII, 1004 s. ; wykr. ISBN 3-527-26989-4 (Weinheim...) ISBN 0-89573-855-4 (New York...) P. 3 Masa spectra (m/z 222 to 777 amu). - VII, 1954, s. : wykr.