Bilogy of salmonella : [proceedings of a NATO Advanced Studies Institute on..., held May 11-15, 1992, in Portorosa, Italy]
Inhalt Karte:NATO ASI SER SER,A : LIFE SCIENCES ; VOL. 245 803,622 BIOLOGY Bilogy of salmonella : [proceedings of a NATO Advanced Studies Institute on..., held May 11-15, 1992, in Portorosa, Italy] / ed. by Felipe Cabello [ et al ]. - New York , London : Plenum Press, publ. in coop, with NATO Scientific Affairs Division, [1993]. - XII, 470 s. s il., wykr. , 26 cm (NATO ASI Ser. Ser. A : Life Sciences -, vol. 245) ISBN 0-306-44492-5