American men and women of science.
Inhalt Karte:Podr.I. 195,427 PRESS JAQUES CATTELL /red./ American men and women of science. Ed. by the Jaques Cattell Press. 13th ed. New York 1976 R.R. Bowker Co. 4° Vol. 1. A-C. s.XIII, nlb.1, 913 Vol. 2. D-G. s.XIII, nib. 1, 915-1689 Vol. 3. H-K. s.XII, nib.2, 1691-2466 Vol. 4. L-0. s.XIII. nlb.1 , 2467-3335 Vol. 5. P-Sr. s.XIII, nlb.1, 3337-4255 Vol. 6. 3t-Z. s.XIII, nlb.1, 4257-5043 — Discipline aad geographic indexes. s.IX nlb. 1,733