Program and abstracts of the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygie ne The Hyatt Regency San Antonio, Texas November 17-21, 1995 /
Inhalt Karte:300,414 PROGRAM Program and abstracts of the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygie ne The Hyatt Regency San Antonio, Texas November 17-21, 1995 / [Local Org. Comm. Chad P. McHugh et al. ; Scientific Program Comm. William Petri, Jr., Chair et al.]. - [Lawrence : American Society Tropi cal Medicine and Hygiene], 1995. - 324 s. ; 28 cm (The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hy giene, ISSN 0002-9637 ; vol. 53, nr 2, suppl.)