Single-cell protein. Safety for animal and human feeding. Proceedings of the Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations System Symposium „Investigations on Single-Cell Protein” held at the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologische „Mario Negri”, Mila
Inhalt Karte:SCRIMSHAW NEVIN S. /red./ 196,428 SINGLE-CELL Single-cell protein. Safety for animal and human feeding. Proceedings of the Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations System Symposium „Investigations on Single-Cell Protein” held at the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologische „Mario Negri”, Milan, Italy, March 31—April 1, 1977. Ed. by Silvio Garattini, Silvio Paglialunga and Nevin S. Scrimshaw. Oxford 1979 Pergamon Press 4° s. XIII, nlb. 3, 213, il.