Shackelford s surgery of the alimentary tract
Inhalt Karte:299,281 1/ SHACKEIFORD RICHARD T. Shackelford s surgery of the alimentary tract /[ed.] George D. Zuidema. - 3rd ed. - Philadelphia [etc.]: W.B. Saunders Co.; Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1991. - 5 vol. - 29 cm Vol. 1 : [Esophagus /coed. Mark B. Orringer].-XXV, 485 s. : il., wykr. ISBN 0-7216-2505-3 Vol. 2 : [Stomach and duodenum, incisions / coed. Wallace P. Ritchie, jr.].-XXV, 395 s.: il., wykr. ISBN 0-7216-2506-1