Symposium on reconstructive hand surgery. Proceedings of the Symposium of the Educational Foundation of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons,Inc... held at Rockefeller University,The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center,New York
Inhalt Karte:194,559 SMITH JAMES W./red./ Symposium on reconstructive hand surgery. Proceedings of the Symposium of the Educational Foundation of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons,Inc... held at Rockefeller University,The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center,New York.N.Y November 2-4,1972.Ed,J.William Littler,Leste: M, Cramer. James W,Smith, Saint Louis 1974 The C,V,Mosby Co, 4° s. X, 324, tabl, 1, il. Proceedings of the Symposium of the Educational Foundation of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons vol. 9