Plzensky lekarsky sbornik
Inhalt Karte:SOBOTKA P. [red.] 161,364 PLZENSKÝ Plzensky lekarsky sbornik. - Plzno : Medical Faculty, Charles University. - 25 cm Tyt. również w jęz.,ang. Suppl. 62/1990 : 3 International symposium on Chelating Agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics Satelite Symposium of 11th International Congress of Pharmacology Held in Plzen, Czechoslovakia July 10th - 12 th, 1990. 1st International Symposium on Oral Chelation in the Treatment of Thalassaemia and Other Diseases Royal Free Hospital, School of Medicine, University of London November 2 - 4nd th , 1989 / ed. by P. Sobotka and V. Eybl. - 1990. - 289, [2] s. : wykr. ISBN 0139-603 X ISBN 80-04-92085-3