Aids to anaesthesia
Inhalt Karte:THORNTON JOHN ANDREW /współaut./ 543,947 HARRISON M.J., HEALY THOMAS EDWARD JOHN, THORNTON JOHN ANDREW Aids to anaesthesia / M. J. Harrison, T/homas/ E/dward/ J/ohn/ Healy, J/ohn/ A/ndrew/ Thornton. — Edinburgh /etc./ : Churchill Livingstone, 1984 -- . - 22 cm /Vol./1 The Basic sciences. - /2ed./.- 1984. -/6/, 238 s. : wykr. ISBN 0-443-02881-8 /Vol./ 2 : Clinical practice. -1984. - /8/, 200 s. : il.,wykr. ISBN 0-443-02879-6