Secondary uranium Minerals : the mineralogy, geoche mistry and crystal chemistry of the secondaury uranium (VI) minerals
Inhalt Karte:URBANEC ZDENEK 551,321 CEJKA JIRI, URBANEK ZDENEK Secondary uranium Minerals : the mineralogy, geoche mistry and crystal chemistry of the secondaury uranium (VI) minerals / Jiti Oejka, Zdendk Urbanec. - Praha i Academia Naklad. Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved, 1990. - 93, [21 s., [2] k. tabl. il., wykr. f 24 cm (Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske Akademle Ved . Rada Mate- matickych a Prirodnlch V M , ISSN 0069-228X , rod. 1 0 0 , set. 1 )