Hodgkin' s disease and non-Hodgkin s lymphoma : new perspectives in immunopathology, diagnosis and treatment
Inhalt Karte:University Texas UT M.B.ANDERSON CLINICAL CONFERENCE ON CANCER ; vol. 27 546,410 Hodgkin' s disease and non-Hodgkin s lymphoma : new perspectives in immunopathology, diagnosis and treatment / ed. by Richard J. Ford, jr., Lillian M. Fuller, Fredrick B. Hagemeister ; University of Texas, M.D.Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute at Hauston. - New York : Ra v e n Press, [1984]. - XXII, 474 s. : i l . , wykr. ; 24 cm (UT M.D.Anderson Clinical Conference on Cancer ; vol. 27) ISBN 0-88167-039-1