Mental health in Dutch children
Inhalt Karte:VERHULST FRANK C./współaut./ 296,942 MENTAL Mental health in Dutch children. —Copenhagen Munksgaard, 1985. — 2 vol.; 26 cm (Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, ISSN 0065-1591 ; suppl.32 i suppl. 324) /Vol./ 1 : Across-cultural comparison / Frank C. Verhulst, Gr, \N. Akkerhuis, Monika Althaus. - 121, 108 s . ; w ykr. ISBN 87-16-06324-4 /Vol./2 : The prevalence o f psychiatric disorder and relationsi between measures / Frank C. Verhulst, Guy F.M .G . Berden, Janr A.R.Sanders-Woudstra. — 121 , 45 s ISBN 87-16-06325-2