39th Annual Congress on Medical Plant Research Saarbrücken, 3.-7. September 1991 : abstracts of short lectures and poster presentations
Inhalt Karte:ZINSMEISTER H.D. 304,548 ANNUAL 39th Annual Congress on Medical Plant Research Saarbrücken, 3.-7. September 1991 : abstracts of short lectures and poster presentations / org. comm. H.Becker, H. D. Zinsmeister, Lj. Kraus ; sei. comm. H. Becker [et al] ; The Society for Medicinal Plant Research. [Stuttgart ; New York : Georg Thieme Verl. ,-New York : Thieme Medical Publ.], [1991]. - XII, 140 s. : wykr. ; 30 cm (Planta Medica, ISSN 0032-0943 ; vol. 57)