Fucosyl GH1- a ganglioside antigen associated with small cell lung cancer s immunohistology and imaunotherapy with Monoclonal antibodies
Inhalt Karte:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - SZWECJA 551,115 BREZICKA FRED-THOMAS Fucosyl GH1- a ganglioside antigen associated with small cell lung cancer s immunohistology and imaunotherapy with Monoclonal antibodies i [akademisk avhandling] / by Fred-Tho»as Brezicka f Department of Medical Microbiology and Inuunology, University of Göteborg. - Göteborg i/University 1991. - 113 s. wiele liczb, t 11., wy kr. 25 da Zawiera 5 prac współaut. ISBN 91-628-0394-8