Apolipoprotein CII, CIII and E : Studies on their distribution in serum and their role in the uptake of lipoproteina by reticuloendothelial cells
Inhalt Karte:545,124 GUSTAFSON STEFAN Apolipoprotein CII, CIII and E : Studies on their distribution in serum and their role in the uptake of lipoproteina by reticuloendothelial cells : [doctoral thesis] / by Stefan Gustafson ; Uppsala University. — Uppsala : Academiae Upsaliensis, 1986. —51 s. : il. ; 25 cm (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine, ISSN 0282-7476 ; 57) ISBN 91-554-1900-3