Vascular perfusion characteristics in tumours : Experimental Studies in Induced Rat Rumours and Human Renal carcinoma with reference to vascular reactivity and interstitial fluid pressure : [aka-demisk avhandling]
Inhalt Karte:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - SZWECJA 548,633 TVEIT EGIL Vascular perfusion characteristics in tumours : Experimental Studies in Induced Rat Rumours and Human Renal carcinoma with reference to vascular reactivity and interstitial fluid pressure : [aka-demisk avhandling] /by Egil Tveit ; [University of Goteborg Departments of Surgery I and Histology]. - Goteborg : [Goteborg University], 1987. - 47, 21 s. wiele liczb. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm ISBN 91-7900-189-0