Asthma care in the U.S. understanding the effectiveness of health care delivery and barriers to good clinicxal outcomes : a wokrshop to develop research strategies in health care delivery : proceedings.
Card's contents:312,158 ASTHMA Asthma care in the U.S. understanding the effectiveness of health care delivery and barriers to good clinicxal outcomes : a wokrshop to develop research strategies in health care delivery : proceedings / comnference dir. Peter P. Budetti,. Kevin B. Weiss ; conference co-org. A. Sonia Buist [et al] ; guest ed. Kevin B. Weiss, Peter A. Budetti. - Philadelphia : Publ. by J.B. Lippincott Co., 1993. - [3], 130 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm (Medical Care, ISSN 0025-7079 ; vol. 31, no 3 , suppl.)