APA [Association of Paedriatric Anaesthetists] of GB [Great Britain] and I [Ireland] and PAS [Paediatric Section] of PSA [Polish Society of Anaesthesiology] and IT [Intensive Therapy] Joint Meeting Rabka’89 : Scientific programme and Abstracts.
Card's contents:199,984 ASSOCIATION APA [Association of Paedriatric Anaesthetists] of GB [Great Britain] and I [Ireland] and PAS [Paediatric Section] of PSA [Polish Society of Anaesthesiology] and IT [Intensive Therapy] Joint Meeting Rabka’89 : Scientific programme and Abstracts / [under high patronage of Izabela Płaneta-Małecka]. - [b.m.] : [b.w.], 1989. - [97] s. ; 29 cm. - Tekst też w jęz. ang.