Progress in sensory physiology
Card's contents:AUTRUM HANSJOCHEM [red.] 548,559 Progress in sensory physiology / ed. H[ansjochem] Autrum [et al.] ; ed. in. chief D[avid] Ottoson. - Berlin [etc.] : Springer-Veri. - 25 cm [T.] 11 : Plasticity in the somatosensory system of developing and mature mammals - the effects of injury to the central and peripheral nervous system / P[eter] J. Snow, P[eter] Wilson. - [1991]. -XVI, 482 s. : il., wykr. (Progress in Sensory Physiology : 11) ISBN 3-540-52573-4 Berlin, Heidelberg, New York ISBN 0-387-52573-4 New York, Berlin, Heidelberg