Infection, immunity and blood transfusion : Proceedings of the XVIth Annual Scientific Symposium of the American Red Cross Washington, DC, May 9-11, 1984
Card's contents:BARKER LEWELLYS F. trad.] 547,484 Infection, immunity and blood transfusion : Proceedings of the XVIth Annual Scientific Symposium of the American Red Cross Washington, DC, May 9-11, 1984 / ed. Roger Y. Dodd, Lewellys F. Barker ; with the ed. assistence of Alice R. Scipio and Betty M. Carnahan ; [contributors and participants James R. Allen et al.]. - New York : Alan R. Liss, Inc., [1985]. - XXV, [1], 464 s. : il., wykr. ; 24 cm (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research ; vol. 182) ISBN 0-8451-5032-4