Advances in pulmonary rehabilitation and management of chronic respiratory failure : Proceedings of an International Conference held at the "Clinica del Lavoro Foundation" Medical Centre of Rehabilitation, Veruno, Italy. 15-17th October 1987
Card's contents:BERGLUND E. [red.] 298,489 Advances in pulmonary rehabilitation and management of chronic respiratory failure : Proceedings of an International Conference held at the "Clinica del Lavoro Foundation" Medical Centre of Rehabilitation, Veruno, Italy. 15-17th October 1987 / ed. by C.F. Donner, E. Berglund ; European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology. - Copenhagen : The Society and Munksgaard, 1989. - [2] S. 577-681 : il., wykr. ; 28 cm (The European Respiratory Journal ISSN 0904-1850 ; vol. 2, suppl. 7) ISBN 87-16-14825-8