BIRTH DEFECTS: ORIGINAL ARTICLE SERIES. THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION... Vol. 11, no. 3. Human gene mapping.2. Rotterdam Conference /1974/.
Card's contents:525,634 BIRTH DEFECTS: ORIGINAL ARTICLE SERIES. THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION... Vol. 11, no. 3. HUMAN Human gene mapping.2. Rotterdam Conference /1974/. Second International Workshop on... Sponsored by The National Foundation-March of Dimes at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands July 7-10, 1974. Conference scientific ed.: Dirk Bootsma /i in./ Basel 1975 S. Karger 8° s. IX nlb, 1, 310, il.] Birth Defects: Original Article Series The national Foundation March of Dimes vol. 11, no. 3.