The Biology and Pharmacotherapy of Manic-Depressive Disorders: From Molecular Theories to Clinical Practice : A Satellite Symposium affiliated to the XVIIIth C.I.N.P. Congress Copenhagen, June 24-26, 1992
Card's contents:302,189 BIOLOGY The Biology and Pharmacotherapy of Manic-Depressive Disorders: From Molecular Theories to Clinical Practice : A Satellite Symposium affiliated to the XVIIIth C.I.N.P. Congress Copenhagen, June 24-26, 1992 / ed. by Arne Geisler, Arne Mork and Pia Hollund ; Department of Pharmacology University of Copenhagen, Denmark. - Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1992. - 125 s. : wykr. ; 28 cm (Pharmacology and Toxicology, ISSN 0901-9936; vol. 71, suppl. 1) ISBN 87-16-15002-3