Perpectives on cancer treatment : [Proceedings of International Symposia held October 17, 1987 in Bermuda and November 1, 1987 in Madrid, Spain
Card's contents:298,245 BONADONNA GIANNI [współprac.] Perpectives on cancer treatment : [Proceedings of International Symposia held October 17, 1987 in Bermuda and November 1, 1987 in Madrid, Spain] / contributors Gianni Bonadonna [et al.]. - Philadelphia : Grune and Stra.tton, Inc., 1988. - 2 vol. ; 28 cm Vol. 1. - [2], 65 s. : wykr. Vol. 2. - [4], 92 s. (Seminars in Oncology ISSN 0093-7754 ; vol. 15, no 3, suppl. 3 i 4)