Bone tumours traumatology of wrist and forearm. Papers presented at the Congress of Czechoslovak Orthopaedic with International Par. ticipation held in Brno (Czechoslovak1)October 12-14,1977
Card's contents:BONE 534,328 Bone tumours traumatology of wrist and forearm. Papers presented at the Congress of Czechoslovak Orthopaedic with International Par. ticipation held in Brno (Czechoslovak1)October 12—14,1977 the Czechoslovak Ass. of Orthopaedic Surgeons and...Scientific ed. Zdenek Bozdech,Zdenek Rott. Brno 1979 J.E.Purkyn University Medical Faculty 8° s.485, nlb.2,il.,sum,Zsfg, souhrn, rez. Acta Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunen-sis Sb. 64 /Druga k.tyt. w jęz. czes.tekst część,w jęz.ros. ,niem., cześć.