An International Symposium on the Mechanisms and Management of Allergic Disease to mark the 30th Anniversary of Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG Sept. 24-26, 1999 Hamburg, Germany
Card's contents:CROMWELL, Oliver 302.302 INTERNATIONAL An International Symposium on the Mechanisms and Management of Allergic Disease to mark the 30th Anniversary of Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG Sept. 24-26, 1999 Hamburg, Germany / guest eds. Oliver Cromwell, Lothar Jager. - Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1999. - 50 s. ; 28 cm. - (Allergy, ISSN 0108-1675 ; vol. 54, suppl. 56) Bibliogr. przy art ISBN 87-16-16375-3