Enterobacterial surface antigens methods for Molecular characterisation [based on the proceedings of a Laboratory Workshop held under the auspices of the Federation of European Microbiological Sociétés and the Societas Biochemica, Biophysica et Microbiolo
Card's contents:DAWES EDWIN A. 551,975 Enterobacterial surface antigens methods for Molecular characterisation [based on the proceedings of a Laboratory Workshop held under the auspices of the Federation of European Microbiological Sociétés and the Societas Biochemica, Biophysica et Microbiologica Fenniae in Helsinki, Finnland from 4-22 June 1984] / ed. by Timo K. Korhonen, Edwin A. Dawes, P. Helena Mâkelâ. - Amsterdam [etc.] Elsevier, 1985. -XX, 364 s. il. ; 25cm (FEMS [Federation of European Microbiological Sociétés] Symposium » nr 25) ISBN 0-444-80698-9