SCIENTIFIC Scientific papers to be presented at the Fifty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (formerly the American Fertility Society) October 7-12, 1995 Seattle, Washington ; abstracts
Card's contents:deCHERNEY ALAN H. 303,838 SCIENTIFIC Scientific papers to be presented at the Fifty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (formerly the American Fertility Society) October 7-12, 1995 Seattle, Washington ; abstracts / horesident Alan H. deChemey ; Progr. Comm, general chir Marian D. Damewood]. - Birmingham, Alabama : American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 1995. - XXIX, 271 s. : wykr. ; 28 cm (Fertility and Sterility, ISSN 0015-0282 ; 1995 progr. suppl.)