Proceedings of an International Symposium on Insulin Resistance as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Di sease, 22-24 June 1993 Ste-Adele (Québec) Canada .
Card's contents:DESPRÉS JEAN-PIERRE 306,191 PROCEEDINGS Proceedings of an International Symposium on Insulin Resistance as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease, 22-24 June 1993 Ste-Adele (Québec) Canada / suppl. eds. Katherine Cianflone, Jean-Pierre Després, Allan Sniderman. - [New York : by Stockton Press a Division of Macmillan Press Ltd.], 1995. -[4], 86 s. s wykr. -, 30 cm (International Journal of Obesity, ISSN 0306-0565 ; vol. 19, suppl. 1)