Present problems In haematology.Leukaemia-etiology,pathogenesis,treatment,haemo-coagulation and fibrinolysis, immunology of leukocytes and transplantation problems. Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the European and African Division of the Internationa
Card's contents:EXCERPTA MEDICA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS SERIES ,No.336 524,021 Present problems In haematology.Leukaemia-etiology,pathogenesis,treatment,haemo-coagulation and fibrinolysis, immunology of leukocytes and transplantation problems. Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the European and African Division of the International Society of Haematology Prague, August 27-29, 1973. Ed. J. Libânsky and L. Donner. Amsterdam 1974 Excerpta Medica,Prague, Avicenum,Czechoslovak Medical Press 8° s. XI, nlb. 1, 302, ilustr. Excerpta Medica International Congress Ser. No. 336.