Hormonal control of calcium metabolism. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Calcium Regulating Hormones (Seventh Parathyroid Conference;, Estes Park, Colorado, U. S. A., September 5-9,1980.
Card's contents:EXCERPTA MEDICA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS SERIES No 511 538,077 Hormonal control of calcium metabolism. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Calcium Regulating Hormones (Seventh Parathyroid Conference;, Estes Park, Colorado, U. S. A., September 5-9,1980. Ed.-s: David V. Cohn, Roy V. Talmage, J. Les Matthews. Amsterdam 1981 Excerpta Medica 8° s. VIII, 506, il. Excerpta Medica International Congres Series No 511