Targenting of drugs 3 : the challenge of peptides and proteins : [proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Targenting of drugs s The Challenge of Peptides and Proteins, held June 24-July 5, 1991, at Cape Sounion Beach, Greece]
Card's contents:FLORENCE ALEXANDER T. 803,614 TARGENTING Targenting of drugs 3 : the challenge of peptides and proteins : [proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Targenting of drugs s The Challenge of Peptides and Proteins, held June 24-July 5, 1991, at Cape Sounion Beach, Greece] / ed. by Gregory Gregoriadis and Alexander T. Florence and George Poste. - New York ; London : Plenum Press, publ. in coop, with NATO Scientific Affairs Division, [1992]. -VIII, 129 s. s il., wykr. ; 26 cm (NATO ASI Ser., Ser. f\ : Life Sciences ; vol. 238) ' ISBN 0-306-44400-3