Compliance, resistance and cost : major considerations in teberculosis control : report of the proceedings of a special Symposium held in Singapore on November 5 1986, during the XXIV World IUAT Conference on Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Card's contents:545,798 GOLDMAN KENNETH P. [red.] Compliance, resistance and cost : major considerations in teberculosis control : report of the proceedings of a special Symposium held in Singapore on November 5 1986, during the XXIV World IUAT Conference on Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases / ed. Lee B. Reichmann ; suppl. ed. Lee B. Reichmann. - [Edinburgh] : Churchill Livingstone, 1987. -[4], 51 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm (Tubercle, ISSN 0041-3879 ; vol. 68, suppl. nr.2)