Pesticide residue analysis : Proceedings of a Joint FAO/WHO Course Eger, Hungary 13-26 April 1983
Card's contents:HEALTH ASPECTS OF CHEMICAL SAFETY. INTERIM DOCUMENT ; [Nr] 14 543,119 PESTICIDE Pesticide residue analysis : Proceedings of a Joint FAO/WHO Course Eger, Hungary 13-26 April 1983 / /ed. A. Ambrus, R. Greenhalgh ; contributors A. Ambrus et al./ ; European Cooperation on Environmental Health Aspects of the Control of Chemicals. - Copenhagen, Denmark : World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe ; Rome, Italy : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1984. - VIII, 333 s. : wykr. 24 cm (Health Aspects of Chemical Safety. Interim document ;[Nr] 14)