HIV-1 infection, mucosal immunity & pathogenesis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 11-13 September 1997
Card's contents:HIV-1 310,175 HIV-1 infection, mucosal immunity & pathogenesis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 11-13 September 1997 / guest des. Thomas F. Kresina, Bonnie Mathieson ; Conf. org. Sharon M. Wahl, Philip D. Smith, Edward N. Janoff. -Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1999. - [3], 391-498 s. s il., wykr. ; 28 cm. - (The Journal of Infectious Diseases, ISSN 0022-1899 ; vol 179, suppl. 3) Bibliogr. przy ref.