Proceedings of a Conference on Pathogenesis of Cyto-megalovirus-Associated Diseases : Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the Nation al Academies of Sciences and Engineering Irvine, California April 5-7, 1990
Card's contents:HOOPER JOHN A. 305,565 PROCTOINGS Proceedings of a Conference on Pathogenesis of Cyto-megalovirus-Associated Diseases : Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the Nation al Academies of Sciences and Engineering Irvine, California April 5-7, 1990 / guest ed. John A. Zaia, John A. Hooper : Publ. com. William J. Britt [et al). - New York i Appleton and Lange, 1991. - [8], 183 s. ; il., wykr. ) 28 cm (Transplantation Proceedings, ISSN 0041-1345 ; vol. 23 no. 3, suppl. 3)