Continuous dopaminergic stimulation in Parkinson s disease : Proceedings of the workshop in Alicante, Spai-rt, September 22-24, 1986
Card's contents:298,132 HOROWSKI R. [red.] Continuous dopaminergic stimulation in Parkinson s disease : Proceedings of the workshop in Alicante, Spai-rt, September 22-24, 1986 / J. A. Obeso, R. Horowski and C. D. Morsden (eds.). - Wien ; New York : Springer Verl., 1988. - XII, 255, [2] s. : il. kolor., wykn. ; 28 cm (Journal of Neural Transmision ISSN 0303-6995 ; suppl. 27 ISBN 3-211-820-34-5 Wien ISBN 0-387-820-34-5 New York