Immunotoxicology : a current prespective of principles and practice
Card's contents:544,112 IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY Immunotoxicology : a current prespective of principles and practice : / Proceedings of the NATO Advances Study Institute on Immunotoxico- logy held at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, 14—23 July 1982/ / ed. by Peter W. Mullen. — Berlin /etc./ : Springer-Verl., 1984 — /8/, 161 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm (NATO AST : Advanced Science Institutes Series : Ser. G : Ecolo- gical Sciences; nr 2) ISBN 3-540-1382-8 Springer Verl. Berlin /etc./ ISBN 0-387-13382-8 Springer Verl. New York /etc./