The human undescended testis and the effect of HCG : /Humanes Choriongonadotropin/ treatment : a study of the morphology, in vitro progesterone metabolism, gonadotrophin receptors and germ cell adenylyl cyclase in testicular biopsies : / doctoral thesis/
Card's contents:LACKGREN GORAN 605,215 The human undescended testis and the effect of HCG : /Humanes Choriongonadotropin/ treatment : a study of the morphology, in vitro progesterone metabolism, gonadotrophin receptors and germ cell adenylyl cyclase in testicular biopsies : / doctoral thesis// by Goran Lackgren ; / University uppsala/. - Uppsala : Acad. Upsaliene sis 1983. - 41 s. ; 25 cm [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Abstr. Abstrac of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine, ISSN 0345-004X; 468 ISBN 91-554-1450-8