Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Ed.-in-chiefs Antoine Remond. Amsterdam 1975 Elsevier Scientific Publ. Company 4° International Federation of Societies for EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology,
Card's contents:193,009 LEEUWEN W. STORM van /red./ Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Ed.-in-chiefs Antoine Remond. Amsterdam 1975 Elsevier Scientific Publ. Company 4° International Federation of Societies for EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 8, Electrical reactions of the brain and complementary»methods of evaluation. Ed. P. Buser. Part A.Evoked responses,Ed.:W.Storm van Le-euwen.F.H.Lopes da Silva and A.Kamp, s.nlb, 2, 180,il.