Antenal prophylaxis of RH immunisation with. 250 mg anti-D immunoglobulin
Card's contents:LJUNGGREN CHRISTINE /współaut./ 605,244 .HERMANN MOGENS, KJHLIMAN HANS, LJUNGGHEN ’ CHRISTINE Antenal prophylaxis of RH immunisation with. 250 mg anti-D immunoglobulin / by Mogens Hermann, Hans Xjeliman and Christine Ljunggren. - Umeá : /" Publ. by the Scandinavian Association of Obstetricians .nd Gynecologists/, 1984. - 15 s. j 25 cia Acta Obstetricia et Gyneoologica Scandi-navica, ISSN 0300-5335 ; suppl 124 ISBN 91-7626-047-X