Eighth Meeting of the Italian Association for Cell Biology and Differentiation : Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento (ABCD) : Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma), 16-19 October 1989 : abstracts.
Card's contents:299,016 MEETING Eighth Meeting of the Italian Association for Cell Biology and Differentiation : Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento (ABCD) : Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma), 16-19 October 1989 : abstracts. -Stuttgart : Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH, 1989. - 63 s. ; 28 cm (European Journal of Cell Biology, ISSN 0724-5130 ; vol. 49, suppl. 28) Opis okł.