Bioelectrochemistry IV : nerve muscle function- bioelectrochemistry, mechanisms, bioenergetics, and control : [Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute / Twentieth Course of the International School of Biophysics held October 20-November I, 1991, in
Card's contents:MELANDRI BRUNO ANDREA BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY 804.479 Bioelectrochemistry IV : nerve muscle function- bioelectrochemistry, mechanisms, bioenergetics, and control : [Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute / Twentieth Course of the International School of Biophysics held October 20-November I, 1991, in Erice, Italy] / ed. by Bruno Andrea Melandri, Giulio Milazzo and Martin Blank. - New York and London : Plenum Press, [1994]. - X, 376 s. : H., wykr. ; 26 cm (NATO ASI Ser. Ser. A : Life Sciences ; vol.267) Publ. in cooperative with NATO Scientific Affairs Division