Advances in allergology and clinical immunology : the proceedings of the Plenary Session and Afternoon Symposia of the XVth European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Paris, France, 10-15 May 1992
Card's contents:MICHEL FRANCOIS BERNARD 555,270 ADVANCES Advances in allergology and clinical immunology : the proceedings of the Plenary Session and Afternoon Symposia of the XVth European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Paris, France, 10-15 May 1992 / ed. by Ph. Godard, J. Bousquet and F. B. Michel ; [contributors R. C. Aalberse et al.]. -Carnforth (UK) ; Park Ridge (USA) : The Parthenon Publishing Group, cop. 19. -XXI, 696 s. : il., wykr. ; 24 cm Bibliogr. przy rozdz. - Indeks ISBN 1-85070-396-5